Early Intervention
The goal of the Early Intervention program is to help families find answers to questions about their children’s development.
Our Approach
The CREA Early Intervention program believes families are their children’s first teachers. The goal of the Early Intervention program is to help families find answers to questions about their children’s development. Early detection of developmental delays and early support to children and their families are goals of the Early Intervention program.
The Early Intervention program is a home-based program. Since children learn best in their natural environments and through their regular routines, services are provided in children’s homes, childcare facilities and other designated areas (ex: playgrounds). All services are FREE to eligible families.
The Early Intervention team of professionals includes the following disciplines: early childhood special education, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech-language pathology, and social work.
The Early Intervention program is supported by the ND Department of Human Services.

The CREA Early Intervention program (formerly BECEP) is one of the oldest and most experienced infant development programs in North Dakota, serving families in the following counties: Burleigh, Morton, Grant, Oliver, Mercer, McLean, Emmons, Kidder, and Sheridan.​
Eligibility & Services Provided
Early Intervention is based on the belief that children learn best…
While engaged in day-to-day activities,
In places familiar to them, and
Around people they know and love.
For that reason, providing supports and services to caregivers is more important than providing services directly to children. It is the learning that happens between visits that makes the difference! By partnering with families, Early Intervention staff provide the tools and support needed to help children be successful.
Referral Process
Once Early Intervention receives a referral*, staff contact the parent to schedule an in-home evaluation. A parent must consent to an evaluation before it can begin.
*Anyone can make a referral/request an evaluation by contacting:
West Central Human Service Center
CREA Early Intervention
1929 N Washington St, Suite A
Bismarck, ND 58501
Children ages birth to 3 may qualify for Early Intervention based on one of the following eligibility criteria:
50% delay in 1 area of development (cognition, communication, motor, self-help, or social/emotional skills)
25% delay in 2 or more areas of development
Diagnosis or disability that impairs typical development
Significant health condition that puts a child at high risk for delays in development
Vision or hearing loss
Developmental concerns based on professional judgement
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)
Early Intervention staff partner with parents to create an “Individualized Family Service Plan” (IFSP) that’s specific to the needs of the child and family.
The CREA Early Intervention program also supports a unique parent mentoring program. The goal of this program is to assist families of children, who have severe medical needs, to navigate complex systems involving insurance, health care services, and equipment/supplies.
Transitions to Preschool
The goal of transition planning is to…
Prepare children for changes to their environments, schedules, and caregivers/teachers;
Provide families with information and technical assistance about the expectations of their new chosen provider, and how to support their children through the process; and
Assist the child’s next provider in understanding the needs of Early Intervention children and their families.
The Early Intervention program works hard to make children’s transitions as smooth and seamless as possible!
Caregiver Resources
Click on the following resources to learn more!
Council for Exceptional Children
ND Department of Human Services Early Intervention
ND Interagency Coordinating Council
ND Protection and Advocacy Project
Publications & Forms
​Parent Rights in Early Intervention (ND Dept. of Human Services)
Understanding Early Childhood Transition: A Guide for Families and Professionals (ND Dept. of Human Services)